CIMA S.p.A. | Energy efficiency project

The action taken by CIMA S.p.A.  to become more eco-sustainable continues!

In addition to the important investments already fulfilled in the recent years:

  • replacement of the asbestos roofing of all plants with insulated panels,
  • installation of 4 electricity production plants by photovoltaic panels,
  • replacement of some old lighting systems with the intelligent LED lamp lighting system – Beghelli System

in 2022, CIMA S.p.A. is completing a new important investment aimed at replacing the old diesel boilers. The new system is less pollutant and more performing.

This will lead to economic, energetic and environmental advantages thanks to lower CO2 emissions and  to the dismantlement of obsolete underground tanks that, in the event of leaks, could have polluted the surrounding land or even the groundwater.

The purpose of the project is to reduce company energy costs and improve the environmental impact.

The new heating system, nearing completion, is equipped with heating systems with natural gas hanging hot air generators provided with premix burner.

The new Robur generators make it possible to achieve great efficiency in industrial environments thanks to the different configurations used to evenly distribute the heat inside the buildings.

Furthermore, the burners placement on the external wall means that there are no methane pipes inside the buildings, thus avoiding the risk of gas leaks which could generate potentially explosive areas.

These Robur generators guarantee very low heat stratification thanks to the characteristic “comfort zone system”. In fact the air flow is divided into different layers with different temperatures, thus avoiding the installation of destratifiers.

The energy qualification project was financed thanks to the concession of the Energy Fund grant, by the POR FESR 2014/2020 – Axis 4 – Promotion of the low carbon economy in the territories and in the production system – Action 4.2.1, implemented by resolution of the Emilia Romagna  Regional Council  n. 791/2016, Energy Division.

CIMA S.p.A is proud to be an active part of the eco-sustainability process!

